What has happened to society in the last 20 years? We have become a nation of morons! I mean, what can you say about a society who can identify O.J. Simpson in less then a nanosecond, but don't even know who the hell our vice president is (And for those of you who don't know what a nanosecond is, it's a billionth of a second. And for those of you who don't know what that means, just go shoot yourself in the fuckin head right now, OK!).

I Mean, look at this freak show we call "daytime TV". When ever I see one of these so called talk shows I just wanna take a big hammer and drive a nail through my skull. I just don't know if I could get through the day without my Jerry Springer. Now that's some wholesome entertainment. The thing that freaks me out the most about these shows are that the guest are almost happy and proud of their stupidity. You see them on their with their big hair and white trash clothes whining and screaming, with no sense of dignity or self respect. There just happy to be on TV, which is really very sad. The audiences are no better though. I mean what kind of person stands in line all morning in the hot sun so they can get free tickets to see Richard Bey talk to transvestite Doctors who are really prostitutes. Probably the same people who call soap opera actors by their characters names. You know, If these shows are a reflection of today's society, I think we should just set off all the nucs, because it's over!

I know people want to blame this sudden outbreak of stupidity on TV producers. But my feeling is it's the people that watch the shit who are at fault for this one. All the TV producers do is serve up what the people want, and the people want to watch shit they can understand! I watch a lot of TV to, but I watch things that are interesting, things that make you thing, things that make you learn. I watch the Discovery Channel, and The Learning Channel (and of course Comedy Central) mostly.

If it's not TV what is wrong with America? Well I'll tell you what's wrong, the schools. Our school system is a laughing stock to the rest of the civilized world. We pay our teachers jack shit! Why? A teacher is the most important profession in a society, any society. The advancement of knowledge is what allows for growth and prosperity. Without knowledge a society is nothing. Yet we still have teachers buying supplies out of their own money. I mean come on, I saw a survey that said 40 percent of high school graduates can't find Canada on a map. Hell some of them think the civil war was fought in the 1940's. This can't go on, the schools need money, A lot of money. They should be getting about as much money as the defense budget gets. You people want a perfect society this is the first step. Teachers should be the highest paid people, even more then doctors, and definitely more then Lawyers. Invest in the future, because it's the most important thing you'll ever do!

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